Bullet point generator


How to use Bullet Point Generator?

Are you looking for a way to quickly add bullet points to your text? Look no further than our Bullet Point Generator tool! This tool can help you with adding bullet points to your text online.

Simply start by pasting your text or list into the first text area. Once your text is pasted in, you can adjust the settings of our tool to fit your specific needs. The result of our tool will appear in the second text area.

Our Bullet Point Generator tool can cover a variety of use cases. Let's go through them before we take a look at other options.

Add bullet points to the beginning of every line

If you need to add bullet points to the beginning of every line in a long list, our tool is here to help. With the default settings, our tool will examine each line and add a specified symbol at the start.

Our tool treats each line as a string of characters, with lines separated by a carriage return.

For example, let's say you have a list like this:

Buy groceries
Walk the dog
Pay bills
Clean the house

Using our tool with default settings, the list would be transformed to:

• Buy groceries
• Walk the dog
• Pay bills
• Clean the house

Add bullet points to beginning of every sentence

If you have sentences that you need to convert to a list, our tool can quickly add bullet points to the beginning of each sentence. Simply select 'Beginning of every sentence' from the first drop-down menu, and our tool will add a line break and bullet point to the start of every sentence.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet in sociosqu diam euismod sociosqu libero. Accumsan pretium mollis curae ligula euismod vivamus mercius. Iaculis phasellus urna libero sit faucibus malesuada.


• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet in sociosqu diam euismod sociosqu libero.
• Accumsan pretium mollis curae ligula euismod vivamus mercius.
• Iaculis phasellus urna libero sit faucibus malesuada.

As you can see, our tool has added bullet points to the beginning of each sentence, making the text easier to read and organized into a list.

Add bullet points to the beginning of every paragraph

If you need to add bullet points to every paragraph, you can choose the 'Beginning of every paragraph' option from the first drop-down menu. Our tool will then add bullets only to the beginning of each paragraph.

We consider paragraphs to be delimited by two carriage return characters (two line breaks).


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet luctus enim sapien accumsan cras vitae lectus euismod. Magna fusce vulputate sagittis euismod habitasse est vestibulum platea.

Imperdiet maecenas mauris vestibulum accumsan lorem turpis leo nec auctor quisque euismod hendrerit fringilla hac scelerisque. Tellus dolor eros enim est libero adipiscing rhoncus sapien netus.

Cubilia tellus platea platea mi non etiam cursus cubilia purus convallis odio iaculis odio suspendisse vivamus turpis.


• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet luctus enim sapien accumsan cras vitae lectus euismod. Magna fusce vulputate sagittis euismod habitasse est vestibulum platea.

• Imperdiet maecenas mauris vestibulum accumsan lorem turpis leo nec auctor quisque euismod hendrerit fringilla hac scelerisque. Tellus dolor eros enim est libero adipiscing rhoncus sapien netus.

• Cubilia tellus platea platea mi non etiam cursus cubilia purus convallis odio iaculis odio suspendisse vivamus turpis."

Add bullet points to each element of a list

If you have a list of items separated by a delimiter, such as a comma (','), you can select 'each element of a list' option from the first drop-down menu. Our tool will split your pasted list into individual elements based on the specified delimiter.

For example, if your list contains names like Will, John, and Zoe, and you choose this option, our tool will correctly parse the list. If your list is separated by a different delimiter, such as a period ('.') or semicolon (';'), you can modify the input value to indicate where the elements are delimited.


Apple, Banana, Orange, Kiwi, Pineapple


• Apple
• Banana
• Orange
• Kiwi
• Pineapple

Other options

Ignore empty lines

Depending on your use case you may run into issue where bullets points are added automatically to empty lines. To prevent this behaviour we are skipping empty lines when adding bullet points to your list. But if this is not your required behaviour you can uncheck Ignore empty lines checkbox.

Space between bullet and content

By default our tool will add whitespace between bullet and content of your elements. If you don't want this behaviour you can uncheck Space between bullet and content checkbox.

Did this tool help you?

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More about adding bullet points online

This free tool was created to help you with quickly adding bullet points to your lists or event texts. If you need to add line numbers to text we have tool for that also. Check out Add line numbers to text tool.

On the other hand if you need to remove bullets from text we have tool for that also.

What are bullet points?

Bullet points are special characters, from unicode character set. There are few types of these chacaters such as:

Bullet •
Triangular Bullet ‣
Hyphen Bullet ⁃
White Bullet ◦
Circled White Bullet ⦾
Circled Bullet ⦿
Inverse Bullet ◘

There are many more characters which can be used as bullet in lists. If you are curios checkout out this page. It containts list of all unicode characters.

Is it safe to use this tool?

Yes, this tool is completely safe to use, we don't process or store any of your typed data on our servers. All is done by your browsers. If you are curios you can load this page disable internet connection and paste your data into our tool. It will be working even withou internet connection.