Word counter

Count words, letters and lines in your text and keep track of density of words and letters.

Lorem ipsum generator

Generates lorem ipsum sample text for print and design.

Password generator

Simple password generator for generating strong and easy to remember passwords.

Case converter tool

Case converter tool can convert your text to upper case, lower case or title case

Domain to IP

Transfer domain name to ip address of the server

Empty lines remover

Empty lines remover tool can help you with removing empty lines from pasted text. Simply copy & paste text into textarea and copy formatted text without empty lines.

Diacritic remover

Clean your text from diacritic and accent to standard latin 26 letters alphabet.

Add line numbers to text

Add line number to each row of text. Prefix/Suffix option as well as custom formatting

Reverse sentence generator

Paste your sentence and reverse it with just one click.

Reading time calculator

Estimate reading time for specific text. Simply paste your text and see results.

Spaces remover

Remove spaces from input text by pasting your text to textarea.

Fancy text generator

Create fancy text for your social network bio. Paste your text and see fancy variants.

Duplicate remover

Duplicate remover can help you with removing duplicate lines from a list.

Bullet point generator

Quickly add bullet points to your text. You can easily add bullet points to any list or block of text, making it easier to read and more visually appealing.

Speech time calculator

Quickly estimate the speaking time for any text with tool. Perfect for presentations, speeches, and more.

Book reading time calculator

Quickly estimate reading time for any book. Just fill some info and we will do the Math for you!

Bullet points remover

Remove any bullet points from text. Just insert text and copy it back without bullet points.

Email Extractor

Extract email addresses from pasted text in seconds. Pick the desired result format and copy to your clipboard.