Word counter


Characters: 0

Words: 0

Lines: 1

Word frequency:

  • Nothing found.

Letter frequency:

  • Nothing found.

How to use word counter

This tool can help you with counting lines, words, letters, and their frequency. Easily start by typing or pasting text into the text area located in the tool's left-top corner. Results are dynamically recounted every time you make a change.

Once you insert your text inside Textarea you will immediately see results on the right side of the app. Inside the stats box you can find how many characters, words, and lines your text have. A sorted list of the most used words and letters is located under the stats box.

What to be aware of when using this tool?

Be really careful when you copy-paste text from Microsoft word to this site because this evil app adds some hidden inputs to your text, and that can ruin the accuracy of counting, we are working on a solution.

Did this tool help you?

We did this tool available to anyone for free. If we helped you don't forget to spread it to the world.

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Why does word counting matter?

There are a ton of cases when you need to write a text that sits between the minimum or maximum required amount. When you are writing an essay in school or some article at work you need to know the numbers. Not every text processor can say how many words, lines, and sentences you write, and in the most popular one Microsoft Word, counting letters and word frequency can be a really hard task.